Please help support the continued development of AZIndex, particularly if you are using the plugin in your work or as part of a for-profit website. All contributions, no matter what size, will be gratefully received.


I am working on creating a forum as a better way to people to provide feedback and ideas, and report problems. Until then, please use this page to give your feedback on AZIndex.

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127 comments to Feedback

  • Hi

    Great plugin!

    Is there anyway to get the separators to go horizontal instead of vertical (standard)? If anyone has the css or clue on how to do this please let me know.. Looks kinda odd on my pages now..:


  • Your default code for custom stylesheets in the grouped items box has font-weight:bold without the trailing ; causing the index to not load the attribute properly and forcing the grouped header title to append itself on the first line of the first index entry. Putting the ; at the end of font-weight:bold fixes the issue.

  • Hi,

    what a great add in, I have been looking for something like this for a while. Firstly a criticism. I think your instructions and FAQ may need a bit of trimming. I found it a bit confusing to get started with the addin. The main thing was finding where I could actually set up the index, as with other plugins I expected it to be under settings not tools.

    Secondly the first item when grouping under categories , has the catergory heading next to it rather than a line feed, as in

    Many thanks for putting this add in together

  • Hi mike

    I use your great plugin for about a year. Works fine, looks good. But now my girlfriend wants to have an additional function to her photoblog. So I always tell her this plugin is good like it is and this guy has also something else to do. Anyway, you are on developping and so the things we’re missing.

    The option «Group items with the same heading under one main entry» makes a title above the posts. In my case a title from categories. Is it possible to add this title with a link that shows all entries from this category? like this

    And is it possible to use tags also in «Index Subheadings» ?

    Thanks a lot

  • Hi Mike,

    I’ve got the AZIndex-plugin up and running on and what I actually need is that the author names link to the corresponding author-pages.

    Could you please provide me some hints/tips how to achive this; I should be (I hope) able to hack your plugin myself, once I know where in the code and what to hack…

    Thanks for the great plugin!


  • Zeno

    Hi, Mike.
    Compliment, good job. Sorry for my english.
    I use your plugin but i need a index with tag but i want 1 word for a tag. Normaly your plugin search the tag and repeat the tag.I don,t want the duplicate tag, is possible? Understand?
    Thx very mutch.

  • Chris

    Hi Mike,

    Just wondering if you know how to apply title tags to the links on each indexed term (when hovering over a word – the title tag / desciption appears).

    Would appreciate it greatly if you could find out.


  • Hi Mike,
    I have an index setup to display the post title as the heading, and a custom field as the desc. Under some circumstance that I’ve not been able to determine, the display of these fields can be flip-flopped (‘desc’ first, followed by ‘title’) – in some cases, for the entire index, but in others – for just some of the index! I’ve included a link to the ‘mixed’ display issue. As an FYI… this is a private site I use only for test purposes – so I can’t guarantee that it will look the same way if you get time to check this out… but I will try to leave that example alone for now.

    For this example, I am using a custom css in my style.css file to get rid of the bullets and black background, and custom css stylesheet in the index – only change from your default is to specify the width on the ul.

    I would appreciate any help! Thanks.

  • I’ll right away grasp your rss as I can not to find your e-mail subscription link or e-newsletter service.
    Do you have any? Kindly let me know so that I may
    just subscribe. Thanks.

  • seizart


    My website is in french and english, how can i seperate the language since i don t want english mixed with french?

    thanks a lot

  • Hello,
    I try to insert thumbnails in my index but i have juste a broken logo, not the picture.
    I insert the code (by this tuto), I take =1 for my index and “thumb” for the thumbnails.
    I don’t know to change this bug


  • Adrina

    we have 30000 posts i have leave those fields /(Include/exclude posts in these categories and Include/exclude posts with these tags) but page not open what is issue? also i create a page and include code.

  • plugin worked fine, but after latest wordpress update it stopped working
    re-installed and now when trying to activate plugin i get

    “The plugin generated 948 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”

    and when creating an index:
    Notice: Undefined variable: output in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/azindex/az-index-admin.php on line 522
    Finished Anime

    when visiting post with index activated, every line of code shows up as an error entry

  • Down with the West می‌گه:Gaddafi was a better man than Saddam, and the early years of his poiitlcal career were not without genuine achievements: overthrowing King Idris’s monarchy, eliminating the UK and US military bases from Libya, nationalizing the country’s natural resources, building a welfare state. Libya under Gaddafi was also the country that initiated the oil embargo against the US support for Israel during the Yom Kippur war.Down to US, NATO and Turkey. Down with corrupt Iranian elite and agents of the West, including Larijani/Tavakkoli who congratulated the CIA agents pose as ‘rebels’.Down with Erdogan, the idiot Zionist servant.Moscow and Beijing must accept their shares of the blame in destruction of Libya.Death to Russia, Death to China where let Libya to be destroyed. We want nothing but TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE WEST AND THOSE WHO DID NOT USE ‘VETO’ POWER TO PREVENT LIBYA DESTRUCTION.SHAME ON CHINA, RUSSIA AND RACIST INDIA.the rise and fall, decolonization and neocolonization, of Libya, has been turned into a farce, not only by the absurd propaganda of the coup leadersbut also by the equally absurd phrase-making of those leftists, especially Arab and Wester. Cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.DOWN WITH JUAN COLE (BAHAI), THE ZIONIST JEWS INCLUDING ROBERT FISK, RICHARD FOLK, LOUIS PROYECT, NOAM CHOMSKY,AND HIS SITE ZMAG, WHICH IS THE US GOV FRONT, POSING AS ‘PROGRESSIVE’, TO DIVIDE THE STUPID ‘LEFT’ IN THE WEST. There is neither ‘progressive’ or ‘left’ in the west. They try to fool you to push the interest of the racist states of the West.

  • LPaysan

    Hi, how can i modify the functions so the indexer gets it’s informations and index my downloads instead for indexing the blog posts section ?
    I use Download Manager Version 4.2.1 | By Shaon

    Someone help me please.. !

  • Rene

    Hallo Mike,
    azindex is a wonderful Plugin. It also functions under WordPress 4.4.2. Thanks for your work.
    Many greetings

  • Is there a way to include/exclude posts into the index depending on a value of certain custom field in the post? That would solve my issue with multi-language support.

    Thank you for the plugin!

  • Jason

    Is there a way to excluded a phrase from the sorting. For example, I want to exclude “Office of the”

  • Per the conversation between Faidon and English Mike and this question by David, I would really appreciate the ability to sort by post date, either by the inclusion of a dedicated option inside the plugin or with the “Use a customized comparison function for sorting the index”. For the latter, I would be very grateful for some boilerplate code for the function since I don’t know any PHP.

  • lakmuss

    Is there a way manualy to split a-z index at the top to 3 lines. I am using two sets of alphabets and numeric characters, it would be nice if I have ability to split the index into 3 line. Right now it looks like this:

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U
    V W X Y Z А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ы Э Ю Я

    It would be nice if I could make it look like this

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ы Э Ю Я

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