One easy way to make the index a little more presentable, especially if the titles are very short, is to add more columns to it. AZIndex allows an index to have up to four columns, but since we have long titles our index, we’ll stick to two columns:
- Go back to the Tools » AZIndex settings page and click the Edit link next to your index.
- Ignoring the other options for now, set the Number of columns field to “2”.
- Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and click the Save Changes button.
Now go back to the blog page where your index is displayed and refresh the browser window to see your new, two column index.
Note that while the columns contain an equal number of items, they may not always be of equal length. There is no easy way for the plugin to calculate how much column space the items will need — longer titles may spill over onto multiple lines, while others may not. Multiple columns works best when all the items are approximately the same length.
Hint: while you are still playing with your index options, you can save time by having both the settings page and the index page open in separate browser windows or tabs and switching between the two.
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