Please help support the continued development of AZIndex, particularly if you are using the plugin in your work or as part of a for-profit website. All contributions, no matter what size, will be gratefully received.


Installing the AZIndex plugin is very straightforward, but the instructions you should follow depend on which version of WordPress you are using.

(Note, if AZIndex is already installed on your blog, you can skip to the next page.)

For WordPress 2.7.x:
  1. Go to the Plugins » Add New page in the administration section of your blog.
  2. Enter AZIndex into the text box in the Search section of the page and click the Search button.
  3. When the results of the search are returned, AZIndex should be the only plugin listed.  Click the Install link at the right-hand side of the listing.
  4. A panel pops up containing lots of information about the plugin.  When you’re ready, simply click the Install Now button to download and install the plugin.
  5. Once the plugin has been installed, click the Activate Plugin link to finish the process.
For WordPress 2.5.x and WordPress 2.6.x:

If you have the excellent One-Click Plugin Updater plugin installed (and if you don’t, what’s the hold up?):

  1. Go to the AZIndex Plugin Page in the WordPress Plugin Directory and copy the Download link location to the clipboard (right click the Download button).
  2. Now go to the Plugins » Install A Plugin page in the administration section of your blog and paste the link into the URL text box and click the Install button.
  3. Once the plugin has been installed, click the Activate the plugin link to finish the process.

Otherwise, you will have to use the old-fashioned, manual method for installing a plugin:

  1. Download the latest version of the AZIndex Plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory and unzip it.
  2. Upload all the contents (including the azindex directory), into your WordPress installation’s plugin directory.  This is usually …/wordpress/wp-content/plugins.
  3. From the Plugin administration page, click the Activate link next to AZIndex and the plugin will be activated.

Now you have AZIndex installed and activated, it’s time to start creating your first index.

Continue to the next page »

1 comment to Installation

  • […] With out any coding knowledge it is very easy to make your blog special. So in order to get this kind of index you have to download simple plugin for your wordpress, Download AZ Index Plugin Dont worry about the updates of the plugin , plugin is working fine. I Already installed this plugin on my clients website. This plugin is easy to use , there are no screen shots of the plugin but you can find the installation of wordpress plugin here on this link. […]