Please help support the continued development of AZIndex, particularly if you are using the plugin in your work or as part of a for-profit website. All contributions, no matter what size, will be gratefully received.


I am working on creating a forum as a better way to people to provide feedback and ideas, and report problems. Until then, please use this page to give your feedback on AZIndex.

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127 comments to Feedback

  • Hi, I’m using that index at my Website. Realy great plugin, thank you.
    I just wanted to ask, if it’s possible to make somehow an index for NextGenGallery?

  • AJ

    Something tells me this comment might be spam…..

  • Thanks Israel!! Your idea worked for me! I did not know what I was doing but I went into my host server application (netfirms)and checked on my php and it was set to php4. I checked and saw that I could change it to PHP 5 and then did a fresh install of the plugin and it is now working correctly with wordpress 2.8!! You can see for yourself at:

  • Martin Shortpants

    Does anyone know if there is a conflict with Page indexing using AZ with either the Atahualpa theme or any specific plugins? I’m using GD Pages, WP Post-Sorting, and Page Lists Plus but am loathe to deactivate them for fear of loosing my tweaks.

    AZ works perfectly on Post indexes but won’t display any pages, even when I set it to display only pages — in which case it displays nothing at all .

    My site is page-based more than posts as the content is “timeless” but there is going to be a lot of it so a page title index would be sweet.

  • Sam

    You are correct. Thanks for this great plugin, look forward to the updates… no span catching plugins installed? Hmm try Akismet found it works best.

  • LJ

    I am having the same error problem:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strtoupper() in /home/websitename/public_html/wp-content/plugins/azindex/az-index-cache.php on line 863

    English Mike, can you please help?

    As with the others, this happened when I upgraded to 2.8. I’m already running php 5 so that wasn’t a solution for me.

    Help…pretty please?!

  • I use php5 and the plugin doesn’t work

  • pMxuup nice job, very thanks

  • Great topic, nice message. Thank you.,

  • What worked for me to get it to work with the newest WordPress was to go to plugins and deactivate it… then go to tools/azindex/manage indexes On the bottom of the page click on uninstall AZIndex plugin and this will delete the files and also delete the database that it uses.. then I deleted the plugin from the inactive plugin page… Next I went to wordpress and redownloaded the plugin and reinstalled it from scratch and it seems to be working just fine with WordPress 2.8.1 and PHP 5

  • Hy, superb plugin. Thank you for this.

    I use your plugin to display recepie indexes on my blog. I also used it to display:
    “Index headings = Tags”
    “Index Index subheadings = Title”
    in combination with = “Group items with the same heading under one main entry”

    it worked perfect the last weeks. but since 1 Week i have wrong results. The tag-name is always on second position, behind the first posttitle.

    Like this:

    (Exampel: the second Banana is the tag. Its bold in the original index)
    Banana with Honey


    (Exampel: the second Salt is the tag. Its bold in the original index)

    Whats wrong? Any Idea?

  • I’m working on a library in different languages (one independent site per languages like Hungarian, Spanish, German, English etc). The most important functions (several kind of catalogs) are based on your first-class plugin.

    I found it very useful but I can not solve the problem of sorting in local languages using accented characters (like Hungarian). I tried all the combination of the plugin (apart of the php comparing code which is too complicated to make it for many languages), but remain the wrong sorting for non-english materials. There is no effect of the used collection tables (utf-8 and utf-8_hungarian_ci for all the sql tables), or your list or manual abc. So now it is like a one armed giant. Look at here. You can compare the index page and on the side the same words, the side is correct, index is not.

    I need your help to resolve this problem.

  • LJ

    Unfortunately I’ve tried to install the az index for the very first time on another text site that is running PHP 5 and I still get an error.

    If you check you’ll see they list az index as not compatible with 2.8.

    They list a problem in the az-index-admin.php and az-index-cache.php files, saying they both are “possibly missing a $wbdp->prepare statement.”

    Would be nice if plugin author could check this or a php guru would figure it out 🙂

    • Chris

      Yes, it would be nice if this could work in 2.8.x, I’m waiting to upgrade and this is the only thing keeping from the newest version of WP.

  • AWESOME plugin! I have just had one issue though. The plugin assigns a class called “head” to the generated links, and the name “head” is so generic that it happened to be the name of the class for inserting a small picture of a dot in the widget stylesheet for my theme. Check it out on my site to see what i mean ( Is there any way you could possibly change this? There are dots everywhere in the list.

    Thank you!

  • GTJ

    Nice Plugin! I’ve been using it for a long time in a games blog with some modifications (link), but now I’m trying to set up an index separapted by letters I mean a single page for each letter.

    I’ve been trying for weeks and I still haven’t found the way to make it.

    Can anyone help me? Any help will be much apreciated

    And two suggestions for future versions:

    – The ability to Choose “letters” instead of “Number of items per page”
    – A way to call just the alphabetical headings, like and excerpt to put it on sidebar or something like that.

    Sorry for my bad English and Thanks!

  • Is it possible to use a custom filter to sort the index listing by date posted? I want to list them by most recent first as opposed to alphabetically. Thanks!

    • Gordon Little

      Similar to this, what’s the possibility of filtering by post date? I’m working on a site of festival reviews which occur annually so it would be ideal to limit the front-page index to a specific year. I could force (ask) authors to always include a tag with the year in their reviews but there will always be someone who forgets.

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